Welcome to Ezra's WebSite!

Bible Verses
Worship Music
Christian Music
About Me
Got Jesus?

I made this Web Site mostly to recognize my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. So most pages have something to do with Jesus and Christianity in general but you'll also get to learn alot about me.

This homepage is in no way trying to say what is wrong and what is right. Everyone has their own opinions on religion etc. I made this page clearly with an open mind and I hope you see it that way. Personally I think it doesn't matter if you're christian, catholic, mormon, jehovas witness..whatever. As long as your heart is for god your in the right place. If you have any questions or comments (maybe you were offended by something or have an idea) you can email me at XeZrAaGeX@aol.com or you can chat with me on aim X0KrApNiKniLX

What's New?

new update on my web site:
12/11/04 - Added new photos


Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.

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